Surviving this Corona Thing

Hello! I, like everyone else am getting stir crazy! I LOVE my family don’t get me wrong but, caught myself saying to my daughter yesterday don’t you have a friend to go text 🙂 If you would have asked me a year ago if I would miss the gym if taken away I would have said no, but I DO!!! I miss it like crazy, and all my friends there and classes. They made my life better and I just keep reminding myself this is temporary. This to shall pass I say to myself daily.

So the wonderful Tony Maslin sent me a workout last night (workout below) that I looked at and thought…. That’s doable. So I set my alarm for 6am to get up and do this workout in 30 minutes. that was the goal I set for myself “Do this workout in 30 minutes!” So when my alarm went off this morning at 6am, guess what I did???? I hit snooze, But then…. my sweet little kitten decided it was time for me to start this day so she pounced on my face! So up I go! The beautiful thing about working out in your own basement is, you don’t have to get all ready like you did for the gym. LIKE…. I didn’t brush my teeth and I worked out in my sports bra. So I get downstairs ready to go at about 6:05 AND….. Boom I finished in 30 minutes, sweaty and out of breath but feeling GOOD! All the while imagining Tony cheering me on, telling me just one more set. I plan on walking a couple miles when I get home tonight since I don’t have to make dinner (Meal prepped yesterday and have chicken and rice soup in the fridge ready to go. I have no recipe to share as I used a bunch of crap from my cabinet)

Now I am not gonna lie or candy coat anything at this time, my eating has been crap. I AM GOING TO DO BETTER, but the last couple weeks have been rough. I have not been snacking a ton, but my sweet tooth has kicked into overdrive with the level of stress coming at me from all directions. I am still waiting with baited breath for fresh fruit and veggie season!! This makes my life so much easier as I LOVE all these fresh options.

I would love to hear everyone else’s struggles through this?? Please… it would be nice to know I am not alone!

Monday Morning workout from Tony:

4x Rounds of both sets

Set 1

  • 30 Jumping Jacks
  • 20 Squats
  • 10 Lunges (5 each leg)
  • 5 Push ups (I do on my knees)

Set 2

  • 20 Mountain Climbers (10 each leg)
  • 10 Leg Dead Lifts (5 each leg)
  • Plank 30 seconds

Stay tuned for the rest of the story…………………………………

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